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Ze Pros fait le focus sur la gamme Food Service Durable de Superproducteur prête à l'emploi et à destination des (boulangeries, traiteurs, petite restauration et hôtellerie) qui veulent valoriser les producteurs français à prix.
Placéco is going to meet the Gironde startups involved in the food transition, including Superproducteur. Focus on these French nuggets of the Agritech that make up the association La Ferme Digitale.
Adding value to agricultural production directly on the farm, a mission shared by Superproducteur and Fermalab. To be discovered in 3 FuturAgri podcasts, recorded during the Salon de l'Agriculture 2022.
Rillettes de Merlu with Organic Mustard Seeds Superproducer, selected as one of the "100 products to be enjoyed in 2022", the "green" and "sustainable" favourites of the guide Pour nourrir demain.
The positive impact of Superproducteur on agricultural areas and its B2B digital platform, as discussed by Laurent Kretz in Le Panier, France's leading e-commerce podcast.
Superproducteur goes far beyond creating recipes with its "ethical, healthy and local approach". Its virtuous approach, which promotes local areas and producers, is highlighted in the Doc du Dimanche.
Superproducer sets up shop at Printemps du Goût! A beautiful collaboration where French terroirs are honoured
Promoting short circuits and food relocation, objectives at the heart of the committed aperitif-dinner
The Apéro Confiné Solidaire box, in the special confinement product selection of the largest grocery shop in France
Perfect pairing with the Copperbay cocktails
Spreads from Superproducers are on the menu. You can also find Skoll, the beer of Nordic origin with notes of grapefruit and lime and which is drunk at 5 degrees!
In addition to skating, you'll be able to enjoy comfort food: poutines from La Maison de la Poutine, Superproducteurs spreads, cider and hot chocolate. A short-lived spot that will please the whole family.
And the Superproducer jars: fine chickpea cream, hake rillettes with mustard seeds, fine organic artichoke cream, to spread on nice slices of Pain du Marais.
A holiday atmosphere near the metro at Polpo with the Superproducer boards